Feeling Down?

Everyone gets the blues from time to time, but life shouldn’t feel like an uphill battle. Depression disrupts your sleep, eating, energy levels, motivation, and relationships. It can leave you with a pervasive sense of guilt or worthlessness, or make you feel hopeless about your life. Whether your depression is situational or a long-standing problem, there are effective treatments.

Trouble Relaxing?

Anxiety can feel like you’re all revved up and stalled out at the same time. Symptoms include feelings of tension, feeling overwhelmed, procrastination behaviors, panic attacks, and disrupted sleep, appetite and relationships. Learn to slow down and approach your problems productively by understanding proven relaxation and cognitive therapy tools.


Haunted by your past?

Living through a traumatic event can leave you feeling unsafe and chronically on edge. You may find yourself feeling more on edge, struggling with intrusive thoughts, and having a hard time managing stressors. If you’re a trauma survivor, you may need a little help learning how to feel calm and safe again. Learn how to soothe your body and mind with relaxation strategies and trauma reprocessing therapies.


Body Image Blues?

Your self-worth doesn’t have to be dictated by how you feel about your body. If you find yourself dwelling on your shape, eating, or exercise habits, then you may be struggling with an eating disorder. Therapy can help you learn body respect and rediscover how to intuitively nurture yourself.


Relationship Problems?

Opening up and being vulnerable can be hard. Even when we care for someone, often our fears can stand in the way. Learn research based strategies for connection and communication, and get the love you deserve.